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family syntax

A person's genes can influence certain aspects of their life, but it's not always the only factor. For example, a son of a loving father who can't get his love returned may end up marrying someone else, but this doesn't necessarily mean they will become homosexual.


family syntax

Laughing Birsel found it funny that people who don't have any qualifications in psychology are using it to make money.


family syntax

I recently bought a knee brace and it has helped me a lot with the emotional issues I have been dealing with for the past 5 years. I highly recommend it if you are ready to face your problems. I now have more faith in these types of treatments, such as Theta Healing and EMDR.


family syntax

Read the book 'It Didn't Start With You' by Mark Wolynn to gain some understanding of the topic. Then, talk to someone who is professionally trained in this area. Don't think of it as a ritual, but rather as a way to gain insight.


family syntax

(see: family exhibition)

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